
Fantasianovelli Battle of Minds, Mielten Taistelu

Fantasianovelli Battle of Minds, Mielten Taistelu



Aloitin kirjoittamaan fantasianovellia yli vuosi sitten. Vuoden ajan novellini eteni, välillä nopeasti, välillä jätin sen pitkäksi aikaa koskematta. Tulin hyvän Mielen talon DIY Kahvila -tapahtumaan ja sainkin suuressa inspiraation puuskassa koko novellin valmiiksi. En ole koskaan ennen kirjoittanut novellia aikuisiällä.


Sain tähän tarinaan innoitteen viime vuosina lukemistani itämaisista tarinoista ja legendoista. Joissakin itämaisissa tarinoissa on piirteitä, jotka muistuttavat esimerkiksi nykyaikaisia supersankaritarinoita. Näistä innoittuneena kirjoitin novellini: Battle of Minds, Mielten Taistelu. Kirjoitin tarinan englanninkielellä siinä toivossa että muutkin kuin suomalaiset lukijat voisivat nauttia tarinasta. Halusin tehdä tarinan joka on jännittävä ja myös kuvastaa omia kokemuksiani ja oivalluksiani elämästä. Seuraavat tavoitteeni on kääntää tämä tarina Suomeksi ja ehkä jopa kirjoittaa sille jatkoa.


Antoisia lukuhetkiä!

- Lauri Miettinen



Battle of Minds


This story is inspired by traditional Tibetan stories. All characters and events depicted are fictional.


I have heard that one young alchemist was traveling on the plateau of Tibet. He was searching caves hoping to trap one species of lizard for the purposes of his research.

Due to his Karma the alchemist was brought to a cave where the Holy Woman, the Realized One, was in deep meditation.


Yangchen, the Realized One had foreseen the arrival of Tenzin, the young alchemist.



Ascetic! How long have you been sitting there? My life is filled with enjoyment, scientific achievement and happiness while you are sitting here wasting your life away. I own four horses and one day I will own a hundred. Have you never wished to live in a house? Eat your belly full every day? Have a husband as your companion? Have children to raise?



Young boy, you must be a man of science. Your enjoyments, wealth and achievements will mean nothing in the end. My enjoyment is rapture. My wealth is patience. My achievement is realization of the nature of reality. My power is supernormal abilities. None of these would I trade for a companion or measly earthly achievements. 


The Holy Woman continued.



Long ago I was unhappy with my ordinary life in the countryside. I ran away from home when I was a young girl. I thought if only I could gain absolute power and mastery over the four elements then I would be truly happy. I could destroy my attachment towards ordinary things and accomplishments. Now I am happy. I am happier now than I have ever been in my life.



Indeed I am a man of science. I was raised in the city of Lhasa. I went to the best schools and to a top university. I decided to chase a career in alchemy. My greatest invention is an alchemical method where I can extract the essence of any animal. I can develop the essence into a concentrated serum. Once I inject the serums into my blood my body changes. The human body is frail and weak. Animals exhibit supernormal powers. By injecting myself with numerous serums I have gained the powers of many animal species.



Sounds impressive but I know I am greater than you. I would trade none of my abilities for yours.


Tenzin taunted the Realized One and defiantly challenged her to a duel, a battle to prove whose powers are greater.


Yangchen and Tenzin laid out the rules of their duel. Tenzin would start by describing a challenge. Tenzin led Yangchen, descending a nearby valley, to a forest where he found a large stone.



With the strength I have gained from the great ape, the elephant and rhinoceros, I can strike my hand through this stone!


And so the alchemist struck his hand through the stone with great strength. A thunderous noise of the stone splitting shook the valley.  Splinters of stone flew every which way from the blow startling Yangchen and making her cover her eyes. Yangchen stared in shock and awe at the strength that this young man had gained merely through scientific understanding.



Now you must do the same. Strike your hand through a rock at least as big if not larger than this!


Yangchen found a suitable boulder. She approached it inquisitively. She lifted her hand up in the air and quickly struck it through the boulder. The stone let her hand pass through it as though it were water. Tenzin was surprised by the Holy Woman’s supernormal powers. Soon he became disenchanted and unamused. Tenzin claimed that she had cheated and failed to meet the challenge.



You challenged me to strike my hand through a rock and it is what I did. For many days and nights I have remained in meditation. It made me realize the true nature of matter. Our inability to move through rock is the product of ignorance and conditioning. I have overcome such limitations.


Tenzin was displeased but he begrudgingly admitted his defeat. Now it was Yangchen's turn to propose a challenge to Tenzin. Yangchen challenged Tenzin to a race to the top of Mount Everest. They picked a starting signal when the last ray of the evening sun had disappeared behind the mountains.


The two waited patiently, side-by side, keeping close eye on the sun. When the sun had disappeared Tenzin set off with superhuman speed. He looked behind him and saw Yangchen only sit down, cross her legs and quiet down in meditation. Tenzin raged and taunted his opponent



You fool! With the speed I have gained from the gazelle and my mountain climbing skills of the goat you will never catch me in time. Now you have already lost!


Evening fell as Tenzin raced through the woods and began ascending the mountain in mighty leaps and bounds. 


All of a sudden, Yangchen was flying through the air. Sitting cross-legged, flying towards the mountain with a speed that surpassed Tenzin's. Tenzin picked up his pace, with leaps and strides that turned stones under his feet, but his speed was no match for Yangchen's speed in flight. Yangchen landed at the top of the mountain and sat waiting for Tenzin to run up.


As Tenzin arrived at the top he was furious. Yangchen explained calmly and with confidence.



For you the mind is merely a tool that you used to gain your powers. I have gained mastery over the power of the mind. I have known hunger, thirst and cold for years on end and broken free of the oppressive constraints of the human body. With the power of my patience and concentration, I have overcome the body’s tendency of succumbing to gravity.


As it was getting darker and harder to see, Tenzin challenged Yangchen to a contest in which of them could see the farthest with their eyes. Tenzin pointed down the slope of a mountain. With his eagle-eyes the man claimed he could see a beetle sitting on a rock. He demanded the Realized One.



Now tell me, oh great and mighty Enlightened One, what color is that beetle's back?



It is green.


Next, Tenzin said he could see a deer sipping water next to a lake and Yangchen could see that a predator had bitten off a bit of the deer’s ear.



Then what is the farthest that you can see?



I can see everything, the past and the future. This is the nine hundred and ninety ninth life you have been born as a human being. Through the force of your pride, in your next life you will be born into the god realm, followed by a thousand more human lifetimes.



Your claims are nothing but rhetoric. To claim that there is such a thing as rebirth and god-worlds is unprovable. How would you feel if I told you that there is an invisible, untouchable Naga sitting on my shoulder and that it was now your task to prove that there isn’t? You would be rightfully upset. 


The student of science realized one more way to attempt to best his opponent.



I can clearly tell you have had no training in philosophy and debate. Something new has crossed my mind! My next challenge is this: defeat me in a philosophical debate. You may begin.



Not only have I mastered the elements but also space and time. Once I doubted the existence of reincarnation. Through my contemplation I gained confidence towards the teachings of my guru. I developed an intuition to trust my own feelings. With it I began seeing visions. I know for certain that I am seeing glimpses from my past lives and the past lives of others, glimpses from my own future and the futures of others.



You even admit that your visions are based on nothing but feelings. Feelings are subject to change. Logic and reason are pure and unchanging. A rebuttal that is logical and reasonable will always defeat an appeal to emotion and feelings. Logic that is correct today is still correct tomorrow.



All states of mind are subject to change, so is logic and science. A field of science that is praised today will be slandered tomorrow. A logician who is certain of his reasoning today will change his mind tomorrow. This is why your theories do not matter. I have reached a state of greater happiness than you have.



You claim you are happy, but only because your judgment is clouded by your empty, joyful emotions during your meditation. We can only become happy if we get what we want from life and time is running out. A human lifetime is short. Feeling bliss or calm is not enough to call ourselves happy.


As the two continued debating neither would admit defeat. Growing increasingly frustrated, Tenzin finally spoke out.



This ends now. I challenge you to a duel to the death. If you have freed yourself from all conveniences of ordinary life surely you have freed yourself from the fear of death. I know I have become free. If I die tonight, my only regret is not reaching an even higher level of skill and understanding in science.


The Realized One expressed her acceptance.


The two descended the mountain to a plain. 


Tenzin expressed he was ready. Yangchen expressed she was ready. They bowed and began. Tenzin ferociously leapt forward and strode toward Yangchen intent on slaying her with his bare hands.


Yangchen thought she could outlast Tenzin’s ferocity by avoiding his attacks. Yangchen tried flying away from Tenzin and phasing through rock and ground to escape Tenzin’s attacks. It did not help as Tenzin’s strength and ferocity seemed inexhaustible. 


Yangchen had only one power left to overcome her opponent - her ability to control the weather. During her years of meditation she discovered her ability to dissipate storm clouds to allow for better conditions for her meditation. Conversely she also developed an ability to brew up a storm... Clouds gathered, then turned black. The plateau was engulfed in darkness. Thunder boomed in the clouds. Yangchen commanded the clouds to strike Tenzin with lightning. 


There was a blinding flash and a deafening boom. A bolt of lightning struck Tenzin directly.


The Realized One had severely under-estimated her opponent. She had not anticipated that the alchemist had infused his body with the power of the lightning fish. In a faraway western land of Egypt there is the great river Nile. This river is home to a species of fish that has the power to tame lightning - to invoke lightning from within its body to catch its prey. The alchemist had met western merchants from whom he had bought a preserved specimen of this lightning fish. Tenzin had altered his body so that lightning would not harm him.


He let the lightning strike him. Lightning coursed through Tenzin’s body and he turned the lightning toward Yangchen. It struck the Realized One with great force putting her to a deep sleep.


Seeing the woman defenseless and beaten, Tenzin felt a tinge of compassion. He gave up his will to harm the Realized One. Tenzin lifted the unconscious woman up in his arms and took her to a safe shelter.


In the middle of the night, Yangchen awakened. She noticed that the young alchemist had caringly wrapped her in a blanket and made a fire to keep her warm. 



How are you holding up? I could see no signs of injuries on your body.



I am doing well. I will admit that the power of your mind is greater than my own. While I can command the storm even I cannot take the blow of a lightning strike. I am grateful that I am still alive. Why did you spare my life?



Honorable lady, I do have a sense of honor. I have been in many duels and fights. While I have killed a man before, not once have I killed a surrendered nor a defenseless opponent.


Yangchen and Tenzin fell asleep next to each other like lovers. Keeping each other warm through the cold night.


They awakened to a cool morning.



Tenzin, I have spent thirty years on this plateau going from cave to cave meditating. I have not spoken to anyone in years. Not once in my life have I ever slept next to a man. Over these years I destroyed my yearning for companionship with sheer force of will. My years of loneliness have never been easy. I realized last night that this is not a fight I can win. I want every day for the rest of my life to be like this. I am done with my solitary life. We will become close companions. Will you marry me?



All the years you have spent sitting in caves, meditating, has made you unable to bear children. I need a young wife who will carry my sons whom I could teach to be my successors. I am afraid I cannot accept your proposal.


Yangchen's mind was wracked with disappointment and grief but she did not let her feelings show.


They bid each other farewell. Yangchen pleaded that Tenzin could return some day. He made no such promise.


Tenzin set off with his horse to new experiments, new battles and new adventures.


The Realized One went to a cave to meditate. Her heart became heavy and tears flowed from her eyes.


Hours later Tenzin was riding his horse through a pass surrounded by jagged rocks. He looked intently forward as he smiled broadly, revelling in his pride and victory. He did not notice a snow leopard stalking him. The snow leopard pounced and bit Tenzin's neck from behind. Tenzin died instantly, having no time to use his powers to fight back.


For many days and many nights the Holy Woman wept. Her mind filled with sadness.


Until one day the sadness ceased.


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